RIT Archives StoryBooth with Lee Smith, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18

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RIT Archives StoryBooth with Lee Smith, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18


Lee Smith (he/him), RIT Student, discusses what he has learned about the new Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) and his experiences with utilizing its new spaces.







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Sophie Tommola


Lee Smith

OHMS Object Text

5.4 RIT Archives StoryBooth with Lee Smith, SHED Open House , 2024-01-18 2024:003 00:03:00 RITArc.0752 RIT Archives StoryBooth Collection RIT Archives ritarchives RIT Archives StoryBooth ; Oral History ; Student Hall for Exploration and Development Lee Smith Sophie Tommola .MP4 sb_2024003_smithl_20240118 0.5:|6(7)|10(18)|14(6)|18(10)|23(11)|28(10)|29(7) 0 https://youtu.be/Ah6VXgFa-60 YouTube video English 40 Lee answers the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt: "What's something new that you learned about the SHED today?" LEE SMITH: I learned that there's a-- that there's a theater. I mean it's a black box, but it's a glass box. I'm not sure how I could get the opportunity to perform in it, but, it looks pretty awesome. I've experienced some of the new SHED spaces with the steel drum band. We played for Brick City Weekend, down in the like, kind of atrium area on the first floor. And we had a hard time transporting our instruments because we need elevators and ramps and stuff and the building didn't act the way I thought they did, but it's all a learning curve. But it was pretty cool to play in that space, because I could look up and see three tiers of people looking down and watching. 0 Lee Smith (he/him), RIT Student, discusses what he has learned about the new Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) and his experiences with utilizing its new spaces. &#13 ; LEE SMITH: My name is Lee Smith. I'm a fourth year-- fourth year student at RIT. Ah, my major is the School of Individualized Study and Anthropology slash Sociology. I'm also affiliated with New Student Orientation as well as the Steel Drum Band and the RIT Ultimate Frisbee Community. LEE SMITH: Today's date is, uh, January 18th, it's the SHED Open House. And, uh. My 1st, I'm going to respond to the prompt of "What's something new I learned about the SHED today?" I learned that there's a-- that there's a theater. I mean it's a black box, but it's a glass box. I'm not sure how I could get the opportunity to perform in it, but, it looks pretty awesome. I've experienced some of the new SHED spaces with the steel drum band. We played for Brick City Weekend, down in the like, kind of atrium area on the first floor. And we had a hard time transporting our instruments because we need elevators and ramps and stuff and the building didn't act the way I thought they did, but it's all a learning curve. But it was pretty cool to play in that space, because I could look up and see three tiers of people looking down and watching. For the RIT community, on [RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt] number three. It's kind of hard. I have mixed feelings about it. It's bittersweet because it's my last semester here. So, I'm not even taking any classes except for like, steel drum band. So, it's hard for me to envision myself interacting with the SHED, but it's very flashy, you know, and it's got, you know, cool facilities that are definitely meant to draw people in. My main thoughts about the SHED are that it's for the next students who are coming and not for me. And I'm not exactly sure how I can book a practice room or how I can get in to use the facilities. Every time I'm in here, the doors are all closed. I don't really know. Um. So I think that the SHED represents the future and, you know, RIT's goals to constantly be outdoing itself. Building definitely, definitely makes sense. So yeah. Interviews may be reproduced with written permission from RIT Archives. All rights to the interviews, including but not restricted to legal title, copyrights and literary property rights, have been transferred to RIT Archives, Rochester Institute of Technology. video This collection is open to researchers. For more information on the RIT Archives StoryBooth program, please email ritarchive
rit.edu. 0 /render.php?cachefile=sb_2024003_smithl_20240118.xml sb_2024003_smithl_20240118.xml

Interview Keyword

RIT Archives StoryBooth;Oral History;Student Hall for Exploration and Development



“RIT Archives StoryBooth with Lee Smith, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18,” Oral History, accessed October 5, 2024, https://oralhistory.rit.edu/items/show/30.