RIT Archives StoryBooth with Joshua Gleason, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18

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00:00:11 - Joshua answers the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt: "What's something new that you learned about the SHED today?"

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Partial Transcript: JOSHUA GLEASON: Something new that I learned about the SHED today. Well, I participated in a workshop for 3D printing in the SHED, um, and I was unaware of all of the facilities and, um, rooms that we had in the maker space, such as a multitude of 3D printers, which is gonna be very useful because before there was only the construct and the FabLab, and now there's gonna be more printers for students to access.

Keywords: Fab Lab (College of Art and Design); The Construct @ RIT

00:00:56 - Joshua answers the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt: "Tell us what you think the SHED represents for the RIT community."

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Partial Transcript: JOSHUA GLEASON: I think the SHED represents a space to combine the joys and artistic expressions of people from all across campus. Kind of like a center space for people to be able to explore and express. There's performance studios and dance studios. There's also things for people who make physical art and printing or design 3D printing in those ways. Like a good hub for creative expression and a place for people from all different majors to connect and express artistically.