RIT Archives StoryBooth with Laila Mashayekhi at Together RIT 2023, 2023-10-20

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00:00:19 - Laila answers the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt, "Why was it important for you to participate in this event today?"

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Partial Transcript: LAILA: So, besides being here to observe the StoryBooth and see how it's running, and get to know the [Archives] team a little bit better, I also work for the Women in Engineering office on campus. And, I find that that's my passion project. I really love it. We help to support our female and nonbinary students in the, undergraduate RIT KGCOE community as we put on professional development to have social events. And we just work to make people feel comfortable in our college, and I really enjoy that.

Keywords: Kate Gleason College of Engineering (KGCOE); Multidisciplinary Senior Design (MSD); Women in Engineering (WE@RIT); RIT Archives StoryBooth

00:01:00 - Laila discusses the work opportunities for women that she was aware of while growing up, and how WE@RIT promotes awareness of women in engineering for the next generation.

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Partial Transcript: LAILA: Growing up. I didn't really know what women could be. I grew up in a house with a stay-at-home mother who did her best for her family, but, I almost saw women working when I went to school and I saw my teachers. So I thought the only two options for women were mother or teacher, so I'm really passionate about working for WE@RIT and improving the awareness of women in engineering, to let women and girls everywhere know that you can do anything you wanna do. You don't just have those two options.