RIT Archives StoryBooth with Syeda Nushrat at the SHED Open House, 2024-01-18

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00:00:11 - Syeda discusses how she's utilized the SHED spaces as a College of Art and Design student.

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Partial Transcript: SYEDA NUSHRAT: Um, being at the SHED so far has been a wonderful experience for me. I have spent my, uh, last semester-- I spent last semester coming to the SHED and working on my finals. As a College of Art and Design student, I have a lot of these big, um, projects that take up space, and the SHED provides table space and outlets for me to be able to work freely and, uh, use up the space.

00:00:49 - Syeda answers the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt: "Tell us what you think the SHED represents for the RIT community."

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Partial Transcript: SYEDA NUSHRAT: I think the SHED represents a place of collaboration for RIT. I've seen all kinds of people, like all kinds of majors at the SHED They're taking up space and studying or working. I also think that it's great that it connects, uh, the SHED connects right to the library and the dining hall area because it allows people to just be in one location and really be able to, you know, focus when they're-- when they're studying or when finals are happening.