Oral History Interview with Toni Pepe, 2024-02-02

RIT Archives
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00:00:13 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “My name is Emma Truscott. I’m a student employee with RIT Archives and today I’m interviewing Toni Pepe…”

Segment Synopsis: Emma introduces Toni and the exhibit.

00:03:41 - IN HER IMAGE: Exhibit Feature

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “I didn’t think I was going to be an artist, ever. I always thought I was going to be a writer.”

Segment Synopsis: Finding Photography wall text

00:03:50 - Finding Photography and Discovering RIT

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “Yeah, I, I had a professor– So, I, I didn’t think I was going to be an artist ever. I always thought I was going to be a writer, and I was an English major as an undergrad…”

Segment Synopsis: Toni talks about how she discovered her passion for photography and the beginning of her journey to RIT.

00:05:34 - IN HER IMAGE: Exhibit Feature

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “When I found photos, like this light switch went off.”

Segment Synopsis: Wall text print for Finding photography wall

00:15:11 - Life After Grad School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “Yeah, I think life after grad school can be really difficult for so many people and depending on the field as well..”

Segment Synopsis: Toni talks about life after grad school and the transitions she took to end up at Boston University.

00:17:58 - On Motherhood

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “I think all of my work comes from personal experience. And so, when I became a mother in 2012 for the first time, uh, it just felt really natural to, to want to explore this new identity I was taking on…

Segment Synopsis: Toni discusses what motherhood means to her and how it inspires and relates to her work.

00:19:17 - IN HER IMAGE: Exhibit Feature

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “It's everything right? It's wonderful and it also can be completely frustrating and it can be, um, feel so easy, but then it can feel so complicated. It can feel relaxing and it can feel overwhelming. It's like the--- It's, it's oscillating.”

Segment Synopsis: Wall text for Second Moment QR Code

00:23:02 - Choosing Materials and Toni's Process

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “I think that whenever I’m, whenever I sort of move toward another material that isn’t, quote unquote, “photographic”...”

Segment Synopsis: Toni talks about how she decides on what mediums to use when working.

00:26:16 - MOTHERCRAFT Process

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “So, I’ve been collecting press photos for a long time…”

Segment Synopsis: Toni discusses the process of making the press photographs into her own images. Backlighting the images to shine the text through.

00:35:12 - What MOTHERCRAFT means to Toni

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “I really wanted to somehow communicate how rich and complicated motherhood and caretaking is…”

Segment Synopsis: Toni talks about what the exhibit, "Mothercraft," means in relation to her own experiences with motherhood.

00:45:01 - Being an educator

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “I think for me, my teaching supports my studio practice. It gives me the platform to have discussions with my students about ideas that I’m chipping away at in my practice…”

Segment Synopsis: Toni discusses her career as an educator and what she's learned while working at Boston University.

00:47:44 - Advice for Students

Play segment

Partial Transcript: “You have to really want that and you have to hold on to that…”

Segment Synopsis: Toni offers her advice for students working in a creative industry.