RIT Archives StoryBooth with Sophia Sosa and Jose Palomino, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18

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RIT Archives StoryBooth with Sophia Sosa and Jose Palomino, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18


RIT Students, Sophia Sosa (she/her) and Jose Palomino, answer all the prompts for the RIT Archives StoryBooth during the Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Open House on January 18, 2024.







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Elizabeth Call


Sophia Sosa

OHMS Object Text

5.4 RIT Archives StoryBooth with Sophia Sosa and Jose Palomino, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18 2024:003 00:02:30 RITArc.0752 RIT Archives StoryBooth Collection RIT Archives ritarchives RIT Archives StoryBooth ; Student Hall for Exploration and Development ; Ballroom Dance Club (RIT) ; Vis Vida Dance Company (RIT) Sophia Sosa Jose Palomino Elizabeth Call .MP4 sb_2024003_sosas_palominoj_20240118 0.5:|14(10)|28(4)|33(13)|44(8)|49(16) 0 https://youtu.be/mTMfJoHJuuc YouTube video English 23 Sophia and Jose answer the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt: "What's something new that you learned about the SHED today?" JOSE PALOMINO: Um... Well, it's my first time, so, I'm just looking around, right?&#13 ; SOPHIA SOSA: Yeah, cool. In my case, I learned that I can use the dance studio and just for personal use. That's really cool. 0 70 Sophia and Jose answer the RIT Archives StoryBooth prompt: "Tell us what you think the SHED represents for the RIT community." SOPHIA SOSA: And in my case, I think I speak on behalf of many students saying that, students in general, have bittersweet feelings about the SHED. 0 RIT Students, Sophia Sosa (she/her) and Jose Palomino, answer all the prompts for the RIT Archives StoryBooth during the Student Hall for Exploration and Development (SHED) Open House on January 18, 2024. SOPHIA SOSA: Okay, hi, I'm Sophia. I'm a third-year PhD student and I'm also a student worker at the English Language Center, and I'm here with one of my students. JOSE PALOMINO: Hello, my name is Jose Palomino and I am a student in the ELC, but I just arrived. SOPHIA SOSA: And when did you arrive? JOSE PALOMINO: Yesterday, yesterday. SOPHIA SOSA: So, brand new. [JOSE: Yeah.] Awesome. So, "What's something new that you learned about the SHED today?" JOSE PALOMINO: Um... Well, it's my first time, so, I'm just looking around, right? SOPHIA SOSA: Yeah, cool. In my case, I learned that I can use the dance studio and just for personal use. That's really cool. And, "How have you experienced the new SHED spaces so far?" JOSE PALOMINO: Well, actually it's my first time. So, it's still so very nice. SOPHIA SOSA: You like it? JOSE PALOMINO: Yeah, yeah, it's something different actually. There is not this huge, um, spaces in my country. SOPHIA SOSA: Cool. And in my case, I'm part of a few dancing groups on campus, like Vis Vida, Ballroom. So I've been here before because I was participating in dance classes. And "Tell us what you think the SHED represents for the RIT community." JOSE PALOMINO: Oh alright, alright. Alright, that. Alright, I'm, um, wrong. Alright, um. They are like... SOPHIA SOSA: You think students are gonna like it, students are going to use it? JOSE PALOMINO: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. I think they are going to like it, they can share what-- what they do. They can share ideas Yeah? [SOPHIA: Yeah.] Something different. And I like it because do this different stuff, its not only one thing that-- that you see. And there's different kind of people. So you can share experience. SOPHIA SOSA: Cool. And in my case, I think I speak on behalf of many students saying that, students in general, have bittersweet feelings about the SHED. On the one hand, they are not very happy about the tuition fee being increased because of the construction of the SHED. On the other hand, it's pretty cool to have more like, dance spaces and spaces for, like, in classes and maker spaces. So, it's a bag of things. Goodbye. Interviews may be reproduced with written permission from RIT Archives. All rights to the interviews, including but not restricted to legal title, copyrights and literary property rights, have been transferred to RIT Archives, Rochester Institute of Technology. video This collection is open to researchers. For more information on the RIT Archives StoryBooth program, please email ritarchive
rit.edu. 0 /render.php?cachefile=sb_2024003_sosas_palominoj_20240118.xml sb_2024003_sosas_palominoj_20240118.xml

Interview Keyword

RIT Archives StoryBooth;Student Hall for Exploration and Development;Ballroom Dance Club (RIT);Vis Vida Dance Company (RIT)



“RIT Archives StoryBooth with Sophia Sosa and Jose Palomino, SHED Open House, 2024-01-18,” Oral History, accessed October 5, 2024, https://oralhistory.rit.edu/items/show/31.