StoryBooth with Surabha Singh, Together RIT 2022, 2022-10-21

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StoryBooth with Surabha Singh, Together RIT 2022, 2022-10-21


Oral History, Minorities—Education (Higher)


Surabha Singh discusses her experience as a student of color during Together RIT 2022.







Oral History Item Type Metadata


Elizabeth Call


Surabha Singh

OHMS Object Text

5.4 StoryBooth with Surabha Singh, Together RIT 2022, 2022-10-21 2022:051 00:01:54 RITArc.0752 RITArchives StoryBooth collection RIT Archives ritarchives Oral History, Minorities—Education (Higher) RIT Archives StoryBooth ; Together RIT ; Understanding ; Solidarity ; Racial Reconciliation Surabha Singh Elizabeth Call Landyn Hatch .mp4 sb_2022051_singhs_20221021.mp4 0.5:|18(10) Undefined 0 YouTube video English 4 Hello, my name is Surabha Signh! 0 Surabha Singh discusses her experience as a student of color during Together RIT 2022.&#13 ; &#13 ; SURABHA SINGH: Hello, my name is Surabha Singh. I'm a student here at RIT. Uh, today's date is the 21st October, 2022. The question I plan to answer today is, "As a person of color attending a predominantly white institution, what are your experiences--have been like as a student or employee at RIT?" So, as a person of color, I have not experienced any sort of racism till now. I have been treated very nicely, and especially at RIT and on campus. And, even from communicating to in classes or sitting in the common area, I have not felt like I don't belong here. At all. SURABHA SINGH: And I'll also answer: "Why was it important for me to participate in this event today?" I understand the...uh, concept of RIT Archive and how important it is to showcase your own story. And have it like, an archive, for future reference or for future students. And, recording your own experience at RIT as a…as a person of color. It can be quite...showcasing of how things are at current time, in 2022, how things are as of right now. So yeah, these are the two questions I'm trying to answer today. And, I have actually, my experience has been really good at RIT. And, I expect it to be like this for the entirety of the duration and [unintelligible]. That's all. Thank you. Interviews may be reproduced with written permission from RIT Archives. All rights to the interviews, including but not restricted to legal title, copyrights and literary property rights, have been transferred to RIT Archives (RIT Libraries). video 0 sb_2022051_singhs_20221021.xml

Interview Keyword

RIT Archives StoryBooth;Together RIT;Understanding;Solidarity;Racial Reconciliation



“StoryBooth with Surabha Singh, Together RIT 2022, 2022-10-21,” Oral History, accessed October 5, 2024,